Sunday 23 August 2020

Blonde Toy from Obscure Animation Zabava

Zabava is this weird mysterious animation that seems to come out of nowhere. It's set in a toy shop where all the toys are enamoured with this gorgeous blonde lady with huge round breasts, full red lips and long blonde hair in a braid.

I remember seeing it years ago on this show called "Shock Video" by Adam Buxton and Joe Cornish. It had the tagline "The show with tits in it" and it was amazing.

Anyway, after that show was gone I spent years looking for this animation and now you can easily find it by searching for "Zabava" or "Zabava 2".

From the looks of things it appears to be a Russian animation but I don't know for sure. I'll have to do more online searching to find out just what the heck it is and where it came from, who made it and if there's anything else like it.

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